Friday, October 22, 2010

Book of My Story

Bookbinding by SeungYeon Sarah Lee, RISD '13

   For Freshmen Foundation Design(2D) Class in spring, (Spring, 2010), with Nicole Juen, the final project was to make a book about myself. We did a couple bookbinding and paper making sessions throughout the course, and as a final project we were to make the book and fill in the book with our stories as well. 

    I didn't have a clue about what I wanted to fill the pages of the book with, or any idea of what the book should look like. So I just started mixing up some fabric ink that I had left from Drawing Class and dipped wet paper. I didn't use good paper to start with, I just ripped pages from my first semester English textbook that I was about to throw out, in case I didn't like the ink. Contrary to my concerns, the pages turned out pretty well. The way the blue was dyed irregularly reminded me of the sea, and I decided to use these pages directly from a paperback book. After 2-3 sittings of dyeing, I was able to get about 70 pages dyed in a gradation. Then I sorted out 50 pages that worked well together.  

Paper Dyed in Fabric Ink

       Deciding that the theme of my book to be the sea, I wanted to represent myself as a little boat lost in the sea, unsure of the future but experimenting and trying to move forward. I cut square subsequently smaller in the middle of the page, and in the inside of the back cover of the book, I made a boat, so that it will show once you open the front cover of the book. 
When you open the Front page...

    I binded the book using the wire-o-binding method. Then circled words that are important to me with white acrylic paint. 
You can close the book by wrapping the strap around the Oar
The Sea

Boat reveals it's position clearer as you flip the pages.

Towards the end
The Little Boat at the End of the Book

materials: bookbinder's board, fabric ink, paperback book, acrylic paint, wire-o, yarn, 

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