Friday, October 22, 2010

Masterpiece Substitution

Charcoal Drawing (76 x 40'') by SeungYeon Sarah Lee, RISD '13

    This was the final Project of my Freshmen Foundation Drawing Studio with Norm Paris. The assignment was to pick a masterpiece painting/drawing from the Metropolitan Museum and to substitute everything maintaining the composition. The drawing should have your self portrait substituted to one of the figures as well. 

    My painting was Henry Lerolle's 'The Organ Rehearsal.'

Under European Painting at the Metropolitan Museum
      I substituted the people in the background with chairs, studio horses, easels, stools, etc. And I substituted myself as the woman rehearsing. And the architecture in the background is replaced by the Waterman Studio's Walls with the original painting hung. I wanted to create a confusion so that the viewers would feel familiar looking at my drawing, ponder, and then later realize that it is imitating Lerolle's 'The Organ Rehearsal.'

Still Life Set Up

Still Life Set Up with Lighting

Shadow Studies

materials: charcoal, stonehenge paper, 

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